VVAC Press is the publishing division of the Verde Valley Archaeology Center, Inc. Our fundamental mission is to disseminate scholarship (through print and digital media) about the archaeology of the Verde Valley to educators, students and the public at large. We seek to facilitate the creative exploration, exchange, and evaluation of ideas and research.Through the publication of scholarly and research works VVAC Press fulfills part of the mission of the Verde Valley Archaeology Center by furthering its fundamental commitment to the dissemination of knowledge of the archaeology of the Verde Valley.
Ancient Verde Valley Family Life: The Sinagua at the Dyck Cliff Dwelling
Todd W. Bostwick, PhD and Kenneth J. Zoll
While Dr. Bostwick's extensive report, described below, was designed for our professional colleagues, this book is a condensed version for the general reader. Our desire is to share the excitement of the past through the discoveries provided by this look into the lives of a typical Sinagua family. This book is available at our Museum Store.
The Dyck Cliff Dwelling: a Sinagua Habitation Site Overlooking Beaver Creek, Central Arizona
Edited by Todd W. Bostwick, PhD
2020 More than 50 years ago, Dr. Charles Rozaire, a professional archaeologist from southern California, began a multi-season excavation project at a relatively small Southern Sinagua cliff dwelling located on artist Paul Dyck’s property north of Camp Verde. Although a large quantity of incredibly well-preserved materials was recovered, these materials were not analyzed and remained in storage until 2014, when they were donated by Paul Dyck’s son, John, to the Verde Valley Archaeology Center. After more than five years of analysis, a detailed report on the excavations and the materials recovered has been completed. Copies of the report will be available this summer. This report has 709 pages of text organized into 14 chapters, with 421 figures and 101 tables. A CD of the report is available at our Museum Store.
Tales of Ancient Arizona
This is a free children's storybook about the life of Sinagua children. The recent printing was funded by a grant from the Arizona Lottery. This book is available at our Museum Store.
A Kids’s Guide to Archaeology
This is a free booklet of puzzles and coloring pages on archaeology. The recent printing was funded by a grant from the Arizona Lottery. This book is available at our Museum Store.
Understanding the Rock Art of Sedona and the Verde Valley
There are over 450 recorded rock art sites in the Sedona/Verde Valley of Arizona. Many visitors express great interest in the rock art and bring many questions. This book is intended to be a useful and thought-provoking introduction to the vast, scattered and sometimes unpublished literature on rock art, with specific focus on images and styles found in the Sedona/Verde Valley area. It is hoped that it will promote reflection on and appreciation of the people who created the rock art hundreds of years ago. This book is available at our Museum Store.
Sinagua Sunwatchers: An Archaeoastronomy Survey of the Sacred Mountain Basin
Kenneth J. Zoll
Revised and updated in 2013.
Seasonal calendars were a foundation of early cultures of the American Southwest to identify the time for hunting and gathering, planting and harvesting, worshiping and celebrating. While there have been anecdotal reporting of rock art with solar significance within the Southern Sinagua areas, none had been documented. This study describes the solar markings employing the midday sun at the V Bar V Heritage site near Sedona, Arizona. The solar markings are part of the 1,032 rock art petroglyphs created by the Southern Sinagua at the site between A.D. 800 and 1400. This book is available at our Museum Store.
A Geological and Archaeological Study of the Solar Gnomons at the V Bar V Heritage Site
Bostwick, Todd W., and Paul Lindberg and Kenneth J. Zoll
Beginning in March 2005, a year-long survey was begun to document light and shadow effects on the petroglyph panel at the V Bar V Heritage Site in the Coconino National Forest. This study suggested that great care was taken to mark the passage of time and the arrival of specific points in time. However, questions remained as to the nature of the boulders that produce the shadows across the panel. In 2011, archaeologist Todd Bostwick, PhD, geologist Paul Lindberg and Ken Zoll conducted a detailed study of these boulders from 20' scaffolding erected at the site. This book is available at our Museum Store.
Heart of the Sky: Ancient Skywatchers of Central Arizona
This book is the result of eight years of searching for evidence of the astronomical practices of the people who lived in Central Arizona over the past two thousand years. Through observation and study, many sites have now been documented to show a sophisticated knowledge of their celestial surroundings. This book is available at our Museum Store.
VVAC Press welcomes the submission of book or occasional paper proposals on the archaeology and anthropology of Central Arizona as it relates to the Verde Valley. Send proposals and inquiries to vvacpress@verdevalleyarchaeology.org. We are especially interested in publishing Masters or PhD theses dealing with Central Arizona.
Quarterly Publication
The Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly was the official member publication. This publication was replaced by the BLOG in 2023.
Summer 2022 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring The Retirement of Founder and Executive Director, Ken Zoll
Spring 2022 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring A History on the Yavapai-Apache Nation
Winter 2021 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Grand Opening Celebration
Autumn 2021 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring the New VVAC
Summer 2021 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Carbon Dating
Spring 2021 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring the Atkeson Ruin
Winter 2020 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring the Thoeny Ruin and X-Ray Fluorescence
Autumn 2020 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring a Dyck Report excerpt on ceramics
Summer 2020 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring a Dyck Report excerpt on decorated reeds
Spring 2020 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring the Dyck Cliff Dwelling Report
Winter / Autumn 2019 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring our 10-year history
Summer 2019 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring CCC Indian Division
Spring 2019 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring the Fredrick Remington statue
Winter 2018 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Dyck Cliff Dwelling studies
Autumn 2018 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Dendrochronology
Summer 2018 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Hatalacva Pueblo and a tribute to Paul Lindberg
Spring 2018 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Ottens Pueblo
Winter 2017 Verde Valley Archaeologist featuring Textiles of the Dyck Cliff Dwelling
Autumn 2017 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring our Future Archaeology Campus
Summer 2017 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring our collection of Sinagua bows
Spring 2017 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring Atkeson Pueblo stabilization
Winter 2016 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring "New Interpretation of Montezuma Castle"
Autumn 2016 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the new Ancient Adornment exhibit
Summer 2016 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring "Eyes in the Sky" Remote Satellite Monitoring
Spring 2016 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Annual Archaeology Fair
Winter 2015 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring The Homestead Site
Autumn 2015 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly Special History Edition
Summer 2015 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Yavapai-Apache Nation Monument
Spring 2015 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Hart Well Canyon Preserve
Winter 2014 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring John Heath Ruin
Autumn 2014 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Paul Dyck Collection
Summer 2014 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Simonton Ranch Site
Spring 2014 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Middle Verde Ruins Site
Winter 2013 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Camp Verde Salt Mine
Autumn 2013 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Mindeleff Cavates
Summer 2013 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Mitchell Springs Excavation Field School
Spring 2013 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Honanki Heritage Site exhibit
Autumn/Winter 2012 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring "Vandals Hit Ottens Pueblo"
Spring/Summer 2012 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Grey Fox Ridge excavation site
Winter 2011 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Volunteer Site in the Village of Oak Creek
Spring 2011 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Wingfield Mesa Ruins
Summer 2011 Verde Valley Archaeology Quarterly featuring the Archaeological Conservancy sites