Kid's Adventure Room
Booking the Kid's Room
Families are able to book the Kid's Room in 30-minute intervals. There will be a volunteer present to help explain the activities and guide the children through the virtual sandbox excavation. Other activities are available for kids of all ages.
Booking is available Tuesday-Saturday, every 30 minutes between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
The cost is $20 per family for 30 minutes. Booking is available through this link.
Kid's Room Donations
As we have more families coming in this summer to check out our Kid's Adventure Room, we are looking for donated supplies to complete it!
Items needed for donations:
Lightly used or new kids books (relating to archaeology or the southwest)
Please drop off donations at our front desk or ship them to:
460 W Finnie Flat Rd Camp Verde, AZ 86322.
Augmented Reality Archaeology Sandbox
Our augmented reality sandbox combines the classic feel of a playground sandbox with the advanced technology of augmented reality and provides a one-of-a-kind experience. The custom-made table is filled with sand and a projector mounted to the ceiling, displays an interactive archaeological excavation onto the sand. A motion sensor attached to the projector detects any movements and changes to the sand, and the projection will react in real-time and display artifacts at various depths. Augmented reality layers teach the children about the stratification layers of artifacts from the more recent one near the top, while the oldest are the deepest. Children are provided with a plastic trowel and brush to find and carefully reveal the artifacts.